Well its been awhile since I've written in my blog! :-( .. I know, I know - I'm bad!!!! I just needed to take a break from blogging about my cancer train trip everyday. I think it's just as important to allow your emotions to take a break from constantly thinking about and dealing with it. As much as it can be healing to talk about it and discuss and share all the ins/outs of what's going on, it can also be incredibly draining. SOOOOO it was time to just *peace out* and take a break. Fast forward a month and here I am getting back into the swing of things, finally!!
The past year was sure a huge life lesson for me. I've had a lot of people ask me if it changed me, or how do I view things now or what will I change going forward?? I find it interesting because in many ways I won't change a thing and on the other hand I have to say how could what I just went through not change me. I was faced with my own mortality, its that simple - that changes a persons perspective. Life doesn't seem so complicated after that. You realize its human nature that makes things seem so much more difficult then they really need to be. Life is life, people are people and the decisions/choices we make always have consequences - whether those are positive or negative. What I learned then is this; life is precious and beautiful and the most important things that I can acquire in my lifetime have no bearing on my career, being successful or material worth. The most powerful influences I'll ever have can also be the smallest, like hearing my 2 year old niece giggling on the phone.
That being said I've spent the last month since finishing up treatment just trying to get back on my feet and not forgetting the valuable lessons I've learned. I'm slowly returning to my pre-alien invasion status. ;-) .... I'm getting out with friends more now and my energy levels are slowly returning to normal as well. I started working out a couple times a week and my taste buds are almost back to normal - YIPEEEEEE!!!!!!! I'm going to continue blogging here and there. I think I still have a thing or two to say haha.......and hopefully it will benefit someone out there who has gone through what I have, who might just be finding out or the family and friends who surround those struggling. Don't give up!! Carpe Diem - Seize the Day.
I'm happy and I'm healthy!!!!!! (you'll here from me real soon again) .... stay tuned!!!!
B-Girl xx