The weirdest part is I can already see my results for my bmb online. CRAZY TALK. They signed me up at Sunnybrook a few weeks ago so I can have online access to all my test results etc. I can also share these with whomever I want - any doctor, naturopath, family member etc .. anytime i want. You would think maybe they wouldn't put results up until you've been in to see the doc but nope there they are right up there just waiting to be decoded by detective b. You can only imagine how much googling occurs after looking at scientific test results that involve oneself. From what I can tell I'm in the clear but then again I thought I would be in the clear after my tonsil surgery and look where I am. (maybe I'll just wait to see what Dr. Gena says tomorrow and stop trying to be sherlocke holmes ... mmm Robert Downey Jr.....now that I can fall asleep to). haha
I bid you all a good night as I head off to my sweet oasis of dream land. Enjoy La Roux - Bulletproof. ;-) My song for today (actually my theme song right now) is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUsbpmQ9-mc
One Love,
My darling Bran - do you have the test results yet? Sending happy and positive thoughts to you from down under.