Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hot Dogs

Kickin the visitors butt again!!!! I'm finally able to eat - yipee and who would have thunk it that I would end up eating a dodgy hot dog and it would taste so damn good. HAHA. I managed to get out of my house last night and take it easy at my fav lil spot Lolabar. It was a nice night to hang on the patio and just relax with good buddies. Wouldn't ya know it they bbq'd hot dogs and Miss B actually was super hunnngry and ate one. Now anyone who knows me .. knows I'm kind of against the entire yucky hot dog meat thing but hey when a craving strikes and you haven't eaten much in a week you down that dog likes there's no tomorrow. (LOL) The good thing is I don't usually eat hot dogs so I won't create some aversion to them from eating them during this time. My naturopath told me not to eat my favourite foods when I was nauseous b/c I'd associate them in the future with my time of kickin the aliens butts. Good advice and reminds me of good old classical conditioning that I learned in my psych class this year. I'm sure I can 'uncondition' myself after all of this though....hopefully......maybe!!!!

It was nice to get out last night and enjoy some good company, a bevvie and feel normal for one night!! Albeit still a little awkward seeing people or meeting new people that don't totally know what I'm going through. Soon I know this will all be a distant memory and I'll be back to my bubbly, energetic, 100% healthy self in no time. :-) AND when I am watch out peeps....cuz it will be celebration time at Lola ... hopefully in time for some 'Hot July Patio Action'!

I keep all the positive things in my site to get me through the tough days........I hope each of you has something within your grasp that keeps you going in times of darkness and days of cloudiness. Today The Tragically Hip is lending me a hand...

They always remind me of my dear friend Adam whom this world lost entirely to early almost ten years ago now. His amazingly gracious charm still affects me to this day and I think of him often. He taught me so much about how to love myself and appreciate the little things about life. His personality & smile were infectious. We spent one glorious summer having a summer crush on each other. Everything about him was so naive and innocent yet playful and fun. We spent hours emailing each other when I still lived in Calgary. When we were together every moment was spent discovering each other with childlike wonderment. Days spent throwing rocks in rivers in Banff or lying on old dirt roads taking 'unique dirt road shots' haha. He also absolutely loved 'The Hip'...and I'll never forget the awesome concert we got to go to together before he suddenly passed away. Thinking about you today and missing you.

This songs for you Adam.........

First we'd climb a tree and maybe then we'd talk
Or sit silently and listen to our thoughts
With illusions of someday casting a golden light
No dress rehearsal, this is our life - The Tragically Hip

B-Girl xo


  1. Hey Bran - love you much, glad to hear that you've been able to get out a bit and eat a hotdog - love it!

  2. Glad you got to go out and eat a good old hot dog!! xoxo

  3. Good news on eating again - glad you had a good time last nite!

    Randy and Pam
