Fainting...biting the ground...passing out...out like a light - yup that was me today!! I went to the hospital for my pre-chemo check-up and blood work and right after he took my blood the lights started dimming. I thought I was okay and it actually barely hurt when he took my blood and then about 10 seconds after the room starting spinning, I got all clammy and I had like 5 people all around me talking to me in what sounded like a far off foreign language. All I remember is asking for OJ and then chugging it whilst laying in the chair half sprawled out. I hate passing out. Its the yuckiest feeling in the world. It just makes you feel nauseous and horrible for the rest of the day. Now I've been prone to passing out in the past but for the past six months I've been pretty good at not passing out or biting the floor. Not so today. Poor Rey - that is my guy that always takes my blood. It felt like I laid in the chair forever trying to get myself back together and finally I felt good enough to go over to the clinic to wait for my appnt with Dr. Gena.
I had to wait for almost an hour and half before seeing her and then she told me my blood counts were low - specifically my white. She still wants me to proceed with chemo on Monday but I have to have my blood tested again Monday to see if they have risen. If they have not then I have to start a drug 2 days post-chemo to help boost them so my immune system doesn't crash and burn more. This drug costs $1000 for 7 days ... that's right you heard me right a thousand buckarooonies. WHAT?!?! I'm pretty sure I'm 80% covered through work but still $200 for one drug for 7 days...wowee. As if they charge that much for medication very sick people need in order to get better. Insanity and kind of makes me sick to my stomach that they can get away with charging that and then turn around and not advocate natural, holistic methods of healing.
Oh well what can you do........
Round two of chemo is coming up this coming Monday and my 3 closest gf's from Edmonton fly in on Wednesday to take good care of me. Us girls (including our other girlie Robyn from Calgary) had planned a girls weekend away and kind of reunion to San Fran - we were supposed to be there today for the weekend. They had all booked flights and I was supposed to later on with points. In the meantime I was diagnosed with Lymphoma and our travel plans got busted. The girls (Brianne, Selina and Candace) all changed there flights and are coming here instead. Wow now that's some forever friends a girl always wants in her corner. They are of course going to take full advantage of being able to boss me around for 5 days. (I've been forewarned and for once I'll concede. lol) Our 5th girl in our West crew Robyn will also be coming to visit me sometime down the road. Right now she's unable to travel but we'll have her in our thoughts next week and drink some tea in her abscence. (I know I said tea...a far cry from our usual reunion parties filled with bevvies and then recovering the next day with pizza/movie marathons.) This is so much healthier ;-) .. so I tell myself.
My Alberta Girls....

(Selina, Brianne, Me and Candy at the Fundraiser organized last year in our friend Taia's memory. We raised $2000 for The Support Network in Edmonton. An organization that deals in Suicide Prevention and Awareness.)
(Brianne, Robyn, Selina and Myself at Robyn's Wedding)
I'll come up with something more entertaining for my next blog (like maybe how I have to hold my new lid down in the wind haha....oh the funny stories that come with my new look).
Bgirl xx
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