(Hmm how about Blue!!!!) hehe
Its interesting when you have to 'retire' a wig. I didn't know there was such a thing or so much to learn about wigs and hair. Wowee!!! I'm starting to get used to the idea of having a couple different types of 'looks' but its still kind of weird. I did really luv my first wig though - the look of it! (Thanks Christina for that gift btw......hug!) I can still wear it a little bit but they get worn out pretty quickly. Who knew there was so much to know about this stuff. As mentioned in yesterdays post - they are itchy and hot and some days you just wanna run around naked (naked head that is just to clarify.) But alas I'm not that advanced yet to go out in public with the baldness.
So here I am trying to design my new hair doe..haha.... I think I'm going to go lighter again...blondy brown. Why not right? Its the one time I can have lighter hair without having to run to the hairdressers every 5 weeks to touch up my dark roots. No maintenance but all the fun of being blond. hehe
Anyways I'll figure it out after I'm finished chemo next week and hopefully start getting back on my feet. Then watch out b/c then you'll see my new 'lid'.....yipeee...
Hope everyone has a great weekend. I await my folks arrival tomorrow which I'm super excited to have my family around for the last round. I'll admit I've really been missing them this past month.
Cheers everyone,
Bgirl xx
Totally go for blue girl!! :-) All the best for your last chemo round! xoxoxo