I had a temporary brain freeze and just couldn't get my creative juices flowing this past week thus the break in my blogging. Never fear though here I am ready to try to deliver an entertaining and informative blog. (...hopefully...)
I've been feeling a bit better finally with more energy and my appetite is somewhat back thank goodness...just struggling with fatigue now. As you read last week I've had some interesting, not so healthy cravings which I allowed myself to indulge in. I recalled quickly though the reasons I tried to give up unhealthy eating habits recently...my stomach no likey!! So I've got back to my eating healthy plan somewhat this week and things are going better. I've really enjoyed actually wanting to eat salad and fresh veggies again even if this is only temporary...mmmmmmm oh how I missed my rabbit food. I won't get to used to it though as I have my last chemo round coming up this next Tuesday which will ultimately plumit me back into smoothies and macaroni if I'm lucky. Yup last one already, how time fly's. I'm not looking forward to my body going through another beating but I am very excited for the chemo to be finished. Following that I have a 3 week break to allow my body to somewhat recover from chemo before staring 2 weeks of radiation...phewwwww.
The past week proved kind of interesting on a few levels. I'm still getting used to my bald head and what to do or not do with it. I now have a list of phrases I never thought I'd here myself say and I might add I think kind of funny:
- I'm on my way - just have to put my hair on
- Can you let me know if my hair is falling off
- Wow that feels good (after removing hair) haha
- Um your coming over now - I don't have my hair on, give me five! (lol I'm laughing typing this)
- Do you have that cap in blond
- If you like this luscious hair wait til you see my other look muahahaha (said to guy trying to pick me up and didn't know..haha)
AND the one funniest to me....
- Wow I have nice ears (said to Wayner while shaving my head...honestly that's what I'm thinking while getting my head shaved)
I had to keep reminding myself this past Tuesday of the humorous side of what I'm going through while I was temporarily fretting over my MIA long locks. I had a few hour pity party for myself on Tuesday and was kind of bummed out. It was a mixture of things really but I managed to pull myself out of the gutter and get back on track by sundown. Sometimes your body and mind just say, 'okay time out buddy - we need a pity party' and bam there you are in the middle of a full fledged sap fest.
Yesterday I went wig shopping with my girl and that helped snap me out of it. It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot so the wig shopping actually became kind of funny. Every time we went into a shop I couldn't wait to try one on just so I could take mine off for a few seconds and cool of my hot, hot, hot bald head...lol!! Every time it was like pure heaven when that little wave of cool air hit the top of my head. Now I know how all my brothers and my dad feel....lol.....sorry guys but you had to know you were going to make it into my blog sooner or later. In fact that ones for my little brother Aaron (aka Bear) for making fun of me the other day and saying my 3 week old niece had more hair then me. I'd watch your back buddy or should I say head - I might just try to wax off what remaining hair you have next time I'm in town. (muahahahaha)
Let's see what else happened this week. Well I noticed that my pants weren't fitting - actually they were pretty much falling off my butt. Its funny how we perceive ourselves sometimes. I have lost about 20'ish pounds in the past few months from everything but didn't really notice, that can happen when you spend to much time in your oversized pj bottoms. Then the other day I was like hmmmm maybe my pants shouldn't be falling off my arse like this. I look like I should be in a BET video with low ridin' pants but not in a cool way, in a 'what not to wear' way. So I decided to dig into my closet and see if some of my 'other' pants fit. You ladies know what I'm talking about when I say 'other' pants. The ones that make an appearance every few years when we lose that extra ten or so pounds
Okay everyone that's a little update for you for today. I'll try to write again tomorrow if I can come up with some more material. Once again thanks again to everyone for being sooo supportive! The phone calls, texts, emails, visits, donations and offers to help out have ALL been extremely appreciated and will be paid forward one step at a time.
QUOTE FOR TODAY: "An obstacle is often a stepping stone."
One love,
Bgirl xx
Great to hear everything is going well Brandi, look at how quickly this period is going by! Before you know it you'll have grown your hair back and this period will be nothing but a memory. Keep up the positivity and don't worry about the pity parties, as long as they are only for a little while and don't take over your whole day then it's all good lady! Lots and lots of love and hugs xxx