I finished my second radiation treatment today! (8 more to go) Everyone has been asking me exactly what is involved so I googled some images to give you a better idea. Radiation is very different for the different types of cancer. Mine involved having the special face mask made for me which you can see a sample attached below. You can tell how closely it is strapped down to your face and upper body - so much so it left the marks on my face today. (the type of marks you get when you put your head down on your arm on your desk at work on a sleep winter afternoon and wake up 5 minutes later with lines on your head...haha but also YIKES.)
Basically you go in and they strap you down to the table and then disappear leaving you with some top 40 music as the radiation machine does it job. This takes about 10 minutes. Today at one point the music went out and I lay there in complete silence wondering what was going on. This brought on some anxiousness as my mind started to wonder and I of course started envisioning all kinds of kaos. I've always had a create, active imagination - great when you need to be creative ... BAD BAD BAD when you lie there strapped in with no way of getting out. You start to think of things like .. oh I don't know THE EARTHQUAKE AND TORNADO yesterday. You think ummm I wonder what would happened if there was an earthquake and I couldn't get unstrapped from that crazy radiation contraption. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....(yelling through the mask doesn't do much good b/c you can't even hardly move your mouth.... so its more like ahhhhh....lol.) So there I am lying there getting super anxious when the radiation technologist (such a fancy name for someone basically frying my neck) comes back in. Phewwwww. I ask her very nicely through my 'man in the iron mask' to please turn that bad top 40 back up so my mind stops thinking about potential natural disasters and what it must of been like for the man in the iron mask. lol
Today went much quicker then yesterday thank goodness.....2 down and 8 to go!!! I'm almost there folks.
B xx
This made me laugh outloud! ha ha. Just the thought of the sound you might make trying to move your mouth on that table had me in hysterics, these blogs are so entertaining lady and show just how amazingly you are taking it all in your stride. I am proud and Meg would be proud of you too :) Lots of love xxx