First of all - CHEERS TO BEING DONE CHEMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEEE~
That all being said I've been having total writers block this past two weeks. I'm not totally sure why but I think maybe I have a true case of 'chemo brain' that's set in and I can't shake it. GRRR. I start to write a blog and then go blank even though I know there is lots I could have written about this past few weeks. Hmmmmm doh!!!
I guess the biggest news is I finished chemo. My folks flew out to spend ten days with me and went with me for the last treatment and then took care of me for the next week. It was so great to have them around and made me truly appreciate having them right there by my side. I'd really been missing having my immediate family around while I was going through all of this. Everyone has been totally amazing but nothing can really replace your folks or brothers, nieces etc. I've been strong and positive through out this experience but I've had moments of feeling alone and down without my family....that is why it was soo great to have mom and dad here. The night of chemo I was extremely sick - more then the first two times and found my way to the good ol' loo quite a few times to visit the porcelain gods. :-( The next ten days were pretty rough with awful nausea, lack of appetite, bad metallic taste in mouth, shakes etc. I slowly immersed from the dark clouds and have been slowly getting back to normal. Now I'm just really tired and spent the past three days mostly resting.
While the folks were here we had our daily routine - they got up early and made there way to various coffee spots for there morning java and breakfast. I slept! They would come back around noon and I'd slowly get myself together and we'd try to get out of the house for a few hours. I knew they would need a project while there were here (other then taking care of me) so I saved my yucky patio for when they came. They loved it. We managed to visit some nurseries and greenhouses to get some patio flowers and plants. I usually only last a couple of hours and had to return home to rest. The bonus is that my patio looks very cute now and very cozy for me to be able to spend sometime out there reading and recouping this next month.
Mom and dad left last Monday - so a week ago today. Unfortunately that day was one of the sickest I've had and was unable to take them to the airport. Now that's how you know I'm sick if I don't take my folks to the airport. Going to the airport in Edmonton is always this big family ordeal - always has been. They don't send people to the airport in cabs or tell people to grab the bus or subway. It just doesn't happen and they would look at you totally weird if it did. HaHa. Mom and dad have always enjoyed coming the airport to pick me up because they would people watch and daydream about all the exotic places they wanted to visit one day. In reality they have been to busy raising there family of 4 to actually make it to any of those exotic places yet. Maybe this will be the year as they celebrate there 45th Anniversary this October. They truly are the poster children for a great marriage and my brothers and me always joke how they set the bar really high. I'm so blessed to have them as role models when it comes to love and when I start to lose my faith sometimes in that regard, I think of them and its renewed.
Here's a picture of my cute mom and dad - Here's to them for all of the sacrifices they have made over the years for us kids, for those around them and for each other. I love you guys!!

More blogs to come soon.......
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